A Cry for Awareness.

Wanna know the ugly truth that we’ve become blind to? Everyday both children and adults are being bought and sold for sex, and labor. Modern day slavery.

When you think about slavery, you probably don’t think about the 21st century. Maybe, your mind wanders back to all of the lessons you learned in a history class. But the truth is that over 20 million people are victims to slavery in the world. 95% of women on the street are forced to be there.

“We thought slavery was a thing of the past but we haven’t been paying attention.”

So if slavery is so prevalent, why do we rarely hear it spoken about? The answer, is that it’s often invisible. Modern day slavery/trafficking doesn’t always look like someone chained to the ground. Many victims walk freely while being coerced to labor and perform sexual acts. They may have been lured into a false hope of a better life or support for their families. When they arrive, however, they are chained to a debt bondage and an unrealistic sum of money owed to their boss. The only option they have is slavery.

It’s appalling that so many people are trapped in a prison underneath people more powerful than them. The trade of any human life is unacceptable. There is no option but to get involved. It’s time to stop reading statistics, and actually change them. This could be the generation that says “enough”. It’s time to expose slavery, because when you expose it, you kill it.

God has placed this burden in my heart for these victims, and I know it’s my calling to work with them in the future, but until I can physically do that, I won’t be silent. I will spread awareness and expose the oppression that is happening every single day.

I yearn to show people who have been completely broken, that God loves them unconditionally. We must remember the prisoners, as if we are chained with them (Hebrews 13:3). We’re called to “defend the weak and the fatherless” and “uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed” (Psalm 82:3). Victims of modern day slavery fall into that category, so what are you going to do about it? Although, we aren’t all called to work with victims of trafficking, that doesn’t give anyone an excuse to ignore it. It is happening every single day, in front of our very eyes. God is a God of freedom, and He is compelling us to set the captives free. 

Today, February 23rd, is Shine a Light on Slavery day. This was started by https://enditmovement.com/ and I urge you to research modern day slavery.

“You may choose to look the other way, but you can NEVER SAY you never knew.” -Wilbur Wilberforce

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